Women’s Edition

Rescheduled and now online

Hello UX Directors, VPs and Managers!

We’re offering a special event for women UX leaders. The Women’s Edition brings together a small group of women in UX leadership roles to explore the unique challenges that women face when leading UX teams. 

Everyday we strive to do our best work in which we:

  • are seen, heard and valued for our expertise
  • are energized by interacting with customers and colleagues
  • are engaged intellectually and professionally
  • feel safe and are therefore enabled to do work of significance and meaning

…and yet we encounter barriers unique to being a woman, a woman of color or a member of the LBGTQ+ community.

Our goal is to enable us to come together and find ways to address these challenges from a positive, constructive framework, with the tools to increase well-being and success as UX leaders.

Who should attend
To attend you must currently be a UX manager, director or lead. You might manage a team of UX practitioners locally or distributed, or you might be a team of one working on positioning UX within your company. You should have experience under your belt.

We recognize events like this do not address true diversity and inclusion if they don’t intersect with all under-represented groups. We especially welcome women of color and women in the LGTBQ+ communities.  

To kick off our special event, we’re offering this luncheon at a reduced cost.

Background reading and listening:
What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Vivianne Costillo – The Siren Call of Self-Neglect

Headshot of Mary Beth Rettger

Facilitator: Mary Beth Rettger

Mary Beth is a positive psychology educator and executive coach, with 30 years experience managing technical professionals. A former UPA board president, she started UX groups at Lotus Development and The MathWorks where she also led Documentation and process improvement teams. For over 10 years, Mary Beth developed and delivered soft skills training for technical professionals, including facilitation skills and contextual interviewing. 

In 2018, Mary Beth completed a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and is currently working toward an ICF ACC coaching certification. She recently taught “Finding the Silver Lining: A Workshop to Build Skills in Receiving and Processing Critical Feedback” to clients including Microsoft and ERA Realty.  

Mary Beth on LinkedIn

June 5, 2020 | Online
8:30 – 12:30. Limited to 15.
Topic: Kick off series designed for women in UX leadership roles.
Guest facilitator: Mary Beth Rettger, Executive Coach, Rettger Consulting
Register $150